Our Coordinator Institute

In September 2016, the NANOSENS team organised the Strategic Workshop dedicated to materials science, microsensors for engineering and medical applications and biosensors.
The event was held on 20-21 September 2016 in National Institute of R&D for Technical Physics, Iasi, Romania. More than 20 scientists from Romania and other EU countries attended the workhop. During two days, a number of presentations have been delivered by Romanian scientisis from NIRDTP and NIMP Bucharest, as well as by their colleagues from University of Glasgow (UK) and ICMM-CSIC (Spain). In particular, the latest developments and identification of key research and innovation topics in materials science, microsensors for engineering and medical applications and biosensors have been discussed.
The presentations delivered during the workshop:
*Interdisciplinary Research Department – Field Science, ‘Al. I. Cuza’ Univ., Iasi, Romania
**BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany
***National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics, Iasi, Romania
****Department of Chemistry, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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